BT 122 .M5 Copy 1 \*b 0 (^ t BIBLE READINGS % —ON THE- * * «> HOby SPIRIT, — BY— tf. S. MIIibER, M- A. PRICE, 15 CENTS EACH, POSTPAID. Address, H. S. MILLER, 1112 EAST GENESEE ST., SYRACUSE, N. Y. * * 8M*fc**M^M***##*& Be B: umm -ON THE- rr \ Q * £g id •v r.C* n ruiT 9 BY O «t=^Q LLEiP n. $ GAZETTE. PITTSTON. 5579 COPYRIGHTED, 1898, BY H. S. MILLER. -. CONTENTS. i. ii. in. IV. v. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. Introduction. - - 5 The Holy Spirit in Both Testa- ments. - - - 15 The Names of the Spirit. - 28 The Holy Spirit is a Person. - 30 The Divinity of the Spirit. - 34 The Holy Spirit Manifested in the Old Testament. 35 The Holy Spirit as Creator. - 37 The Gift of the Holy Spirit, 37 The Holy Spirit Inspiring Scripture. 38 The Holy Spirit and Jesus. 39 The Sealing of the Spirit. - 40 The Baptism and Anointing with the Spirit. - - 40 Receiving the Spirit. - - 41 The Indwelling of the Spirit. - 43 The Filling of the Spirit. - 44 The Holy Spirit as Comforter. - 45 The Holy Spirit as Teacher. - 46 Walking in the Spirit. - - 47 The Holy Spirit Speaking. - 47 The Communion of the Spirit. - 48 Led by the Spirit. - 48 XXI XXII XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. The Spirit Glorifying Jesus. - 49 The Power of the Spirit. - 49 The Fruit of the Spirit. - 51 The Holy Spirit and Prayer. - 53 The Holy Spirit and Christian Work. - - - >3 Offences Against the Spirit. - 54 Emblems of the Spirit. - - 54 Miscellaneous. - - 58 Introduction. here is much darkness among God's people with reference to the teaching of the Word about the Holy Spirit. Satan is robbing the church of her only source of strength and power, and leaving her lying torn and helpless, a stumb- ling block and a laughing stock for a godless world. It is a rare thing to hear Him mentioned in prayer or in testimony, and when it is so, He is mocked and dishonored by being brought down to the level of a thing and called 'it.M Now we know that "it7, can neither save, nor keep, nor guide, nor teach, nor give victory, nor speak,' nor advise, nor work, nor testify of Jesus, nor glorify Jesus in our life, nor anything else; and so year after year we hear the same old worn out prayer and testimony and confession of weak- nesses and shortcomings, ending with "pray for me that I may always be found faithful and at last make heaven my home." Such people have not received the personal Holy- Spirit to abide, and their lives are anything but victorious, and they come far short of glorifying God. This little book is published at the request of several of God's children, who want, to know more about the Third Person of the Trinity. The author belives that in the first chapter — "The Holy Spirit in Both Testaments" will be found every direct reference made in the Bible to the Spirit. If to these three hundred and fifty references were added those containing the types and symbols, the number would be nearly doubled. The forty-nine "Names of the Spirit," and the seventy-two proofs that "The Holy Spirit is a Person," together with the chapter on "The Divinity-of the Spirit," will convince any honest student that he is a person equal with the Father and the Son. The Spirit was with the Father and Son in the creation of the world and of man ("The Holy Spirit as Creator"), and He had dealings with various persons at certain times when something special was to be done, ("The Holy Spirit mani- fested in the Old Testament"), but even at the time when Jesus was upon earth "The Holy Spirit was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified" (Jno. 7 : 39). After the ascension and glorification of Jesus and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, He was given ("The Gift of the Spirit") to be the everlasting posses- sion of, and to everlasting possess every believer. This was the beginning of a new era in the lives of the disciples. Before the day of Pente- 7 cost the Spirit had been with them, and Jesus had been with them and had kept them as best He could under the circumstances, and yet how weak and cowardly they were! Lives constantly yielding and overcome by temptation, self con- fident, fearful, doubting, stumbling and falling and getting up again, constantly sinning and repenting, denying their Lord ! Peter before and Peter after Pentecost looks like two different persons. Jesus had thoroughly prepared them for the change. In his last discourse (Jno. 14: 15, 16,) He had told them about His departure, the com- ing of another Comforter, what He would be to them and the necessity of receiving Him. Surely if Jesus needed to be baptized, filled and led by the Spirit (,4The Holy Spirit and Jesus"), His fol- lowers do. "It is expedient for you that I go away," etc (Jno. 16:7), "He dwelleth with you and shall be in you," (Jno. 14: 17), and Jesus in heaven at the right hand of God partaking of the throne life of God and shedding it abroad, togeth- er with His own resurrection life in the hearts of b< lievers. can do infinitely more for us than if He Himself were constantly by our side. He could only be in one place at one time and dwell with us and in a measure control our outward lives, while the Holy Spirit can dwell in every believer forever and cleanse and purify the heart, out of which all thought and action come He laid the foundation for His post-resur 8 rectioa command, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost,' (Jno. 20: 22), by emphasizing the truth that if they loved Him, they would keep His command- ments (Jno. 14: 21, 23, 2|). His whole thought and desire was that His disciples might receive the Pentecostal gift and be equipped for witness- bearing and holy living. They had been born of the Spirit (''The Holy Spirit as Creator"), but they were, after that day, to be sealed as a sign of God's keeping power ("The Sealing of the Spirit"), an i to be baptized and anointed once for all for service ("The Baptism and Anoint- ing with the Spirit"). In addition to this, it is expected of all believers that they receive the Spirit to indwell forever as Christ's representa- tive, (Col. 1:24, "Receiving the Spirit,' "The Indwelling of the Spirit"), and to allow Him to empty their heart of all malice and pride and self, and to keep them filled day by day with Himself ("The Filling of the Spirit"). Then they will have the Spirit constantly in -them as their abiding guest and their Comforter, wiih all that word means — one called to go along beside of another \ as protector, advocate, teacher, leader, counsellor, monitor, etc. ("The Holy Spirit as Comforter"). . The same spirit who is the author of the Word, ("The Holy Spirit Inspiring Scrip- ture"), and who "searches all things, yea, the deep things of God," (1 Cor. 2:10) will be the Teacher, ("The Holy Spirit as Teacher"), and how comforting it is, when we become puzzled over some portion of the Word of God, or want to get new and deeper visions of Jesus, to know that He abides as Teacher and Testifier. There is much in the Word about the walk of the Christian, and the only way to "walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called" (Eph. 4:1) is to c well in the Spirit and to walk in him ("Walking in the Spirit"). One cannot walk in a place when he is not in that place. Gou wants to completely and constantly satisfy His children, and it is only by filling them with His Spirit that he can do it (Eph 3:19) If He has full possession, He will speak ("The Holy Spirit Speaking") and we will listen and talk to Him, and have blessed fellowship ("The Communion of the Spirit") The way to know his voice is the same as in the case of any one else — by becoming acquainted with Him, and we do that by communion. Then if we listen and obey, we will be "Led by the Spirit" and that also satisfies, knowing that we are doing the will of God, and that we are entrusting our- selves to the care of one who knows the way. He is gentle and tender and if wTe neglect to listen carefully or refuse to obey at once He will cease to manifest Himself. One of the hard problems that many Christ ians are trying to solve is how to glorify Jesus in their lives. They see that God expects them to do it, and yet they are compelled to admit that they are not living up to the requirements 10 laid down in the Word. They put themselves under law, make many resolutions and so on, but find themselves overcome many times by the flesh or self life, the "old man," the man of sin. It often requires a long time of struggling and disappointment and failure to convince them that "they that are in the flesh cannot please God," (Rom. 8: 69); that the flesh must be crucified dead and buried with Christ (Gal. 5: 24. Rom. 6:6-11), and that God has provided a remedy in the putting away of the "old man' with all his deeds (Eph. 4: 22; 5: 18), and being filled with the Spirit. This means emire surrender to God and is the secret of a victorious life ("The Spirit Glorifying Jesus"). One who is not filled with the Spirit has not much power to witness for Jesus either by their words or by their lives. Many pray for power who entirely ignore the Holy Spirit. They think that enthusiasm and excitement are power. They need Him. "Ye shall receive power after that tl e Holy Spirit is come upon you (Acts 1 : 8. "The Power of the Spirit"). It is the Spirit- filled Christian who has power with Godancl with man. It is not those who are murmuring and disputing (Phil. 2: 14 16) and are full of envy and jealousy and unrest and the like who are winning men for Jesus They are the ones who are libels on God's power to save, and are lead- ing men to say that Christianity does not make those who profess it different from themselves. It [They pray for love, joy, peace, etc, and wonder why they do not get them. God's way is, "be filled with the Spirit" ("Fruit of the Spirit"), and if they have the tree, they will not need to worry about the fruit To be Spirit full is to7 be love- full, joy full, peace-full, etc , and that is attrac- tive to the unsaved. The Spirit-filled Christian is the abiding Christian (Jno. 15: 7), and the fuli-of-faith Chris- tian (Gal. 5: 22), and, praying in the Spirit, he has power with God ("The Holy Spirit and Prayer"). He can do no Christian work without being filled ("The Holy Spirit and Christian Work"). He is forbidden to do so (Acts 1 : 4-8). He may labor and plan and struggle, but the Spirit has charge of God's work in this world, and if He does not fill and lead and have oversight, the work will be powerless and barren of fruit. In order to have a manifestation of the Spirit's presence and power, obedience is neces- sary. Do not quench Him for the sake of popu- larity or for fear of not saying nice smooth things, but allow Him to speak the truth through you Do not grieve Him by refusing to let Him wTork in your life, but, committing all to His care, let Him and trust Him to put away all anger, bitterness, unkindness, etc (Eph. 4: 30-32. "Offenses against the Spirit"). Under the head of "The Emblems of the Spirit," may be seen in types and symbols all the different work which He is appointed to do. 12 The symbols and the plain teaching beautifully confirm each other. The Greek word translated ;'Spirit" and that translated '-'Ghost" is the same word — simply a difference in translation. We have preferred to use the word "Spirit" throughout this book. Dear Friend, this is an important subject, and demands your first attention. Are you having a happy, victorious, satisfied life, full of fruit for God? "Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed?" We quote the following from "Wells of Salvation," by Rev C. W. Winchester, D D., formerly Presiding Elder of Corning (N Y ) District: "We have everything we need to take this world for Christ but the fire of God — the Holy Ghost. Why is it that, with so many churches and ministers and Sunday schools and choirs and organs and Bibles and tracts and papers and missionary societies and leagues and conferen ces and conventions and committees and resolu tions, we are doing so little to batter down the strongholds of sin? Because so few of us have re- ceived the Holy Ghost since we believed . We are trying to kill the devil with powder and ball with- out fire. We have plenty of good cannon, and an abundance of excellent powder and shot and shell; but, in two many cases, we have no fire to touch them off. O God, send the fire of the Holy Ghost ! . . . . Have you not seen churches like that cold and powerless locomotive? They have l3 everything but what a church needs most — steam, the Holy Ghost. At length a conviction comes over the leading members that they are not accomplishing anything for God. They have a meeting of the Official Board to talk the matter up. Different propositions are made: One says, "Let's paint the church;" another, "Let's put a new bell in the tower;" another, "Let's buy a new organ;" another, Let's put in a steam-heat- ing apparatus;'1 another, "Let's reorganize the Epworth League;" another, "Let's have a church fair;': another, "Let's send off and get an evan- gelist " Not one of those dear brethren has any conception of the real need of the church. If I were invited to preach In that pulpit, I would take for my text "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" If the members of that church would receive the Holy Ghost, the old bell and the old organ would answer the purpose, or new ones would be quickly procured; steam heat would not be a necessity; the Epworth League would not need to be reorganiz- ed; church fairs would be an abomination: and every man and woman would be a flaming evange- list, setting the whole town on fire, and turning multitudes of sinners to righteousness. Have you not seen individual church mem- bers like that cold and motionless locomotive? They are well-born and well-bred and well educat- ed. They are moral and amiable and honorable. - . l4 They pay liberally for the support of the church. They are in sympathy with every good work. Perhaps they have religion to get to heaven. But how little spiritual life and power they have! For the direct spiritual work of the church, the pastor finds them almost worthless. The diffi- culty is they have not received the Holy Ghost since they believed. "Have ye received the Holy Ghost?" I. The Holy Spirit in Both Testaments Genesis. The Spirit of God in Creation, i: 2. The Spirit striving. 6: 3. The Spirit of God in Joseph. 41: 7,8. Exodus. The Spirit of wisdom to make garments. 28: 3. Bezaleel filled with the Spirit of God. 31. r-5; 35- 3°, 3i. Numbers. The Spirit put upon the seventy elders. 11:16, 17, 29. The Spirit rested upon the seventy elders. 11:25. The Spirit rested upon Eldad and Medad. 11 126. The Spirit of God came upon. Balaam, 24 2. The Spirit in Joshua. 27:18. Deuteronomy. Joshua full of the Spirit of wisdom, 34:9. Judges. The Spirit of God came upon Othniel. 3 9, to. i6 The Spirit of the Lord came upon (mar. cloth- ed) Gideon. 6 34. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthab. 11:29. , The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon Samson. 14:5, 6; 14:19 (R. V.) ; 15 114 (R. V,).. I Samuel. The Spirit of the Lord will come (mightily, R. V.) upon Saul, 10:6; 10:10; 11:6; 19 23. The Spirit of the Lord came (mightily, R. V.) upon David. 16 13 . The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul. 16.14. The Spirit of the Lord was (came, R. V.) upon the messengers of Saul. 19 20. II Samuel. The Sprit of the Lord spake by David. 23:2. I Kings. The Spirit of the Lord shall carry away Elijah. 18:12. The Spirit of the Lord went to speak to Mica- iah 22:24. II Chron. 18.23. II Kings. The Spirit of the Lord took up Elijah 2:16. I Chronicles. The Spirit came upon (mar. clothed) Amasai. 12:18. Pattern of the temple given by the Spirit. 28:12. II Chronicles. The Spirit of God came upon Azariah. 15 : 1.2. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel. 20: 14, 15. The Spirit of the Lord came upon (clothed mar.) Zachariah. 24: 20. Nehemiah. Good Spirit given to instruct. 9: 20. God testified by the Spirit. 9: 30. Job. The heavens garnished by the Spirit. 26: 13. Man made by the Spirit. ^^: 4. Psalms. Do not take from, c 1: 12. Upheld by. 51 : 12. The Spirit as creator of animals. 104: 30. The Spirit omnipresent. 139: 7. The Spirit is good. 143: 10. Proverbs. The Spirit to be poured out. 1 : 23. Ecclesiastes. The way of the Spirit, n: 5. Isaiah. Wash away filth by. 4: 4. Purge the blood of Jerusalem by. 4: 4. i8 Sevenfold Spirit. 11:2. Take counsel of the Spirit. 30: 1. Spirit to be poured out from on high 32: Spirit gathered them. 34: 16. The Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon and withereth. 40: 7 Who directs the Spirit of the Lord? 40: 13. The Spirit put upon Christ. 42: 1. Spirit to be poured on offspring. 44: 3 Sent by the Spirit. 48: 16. Spirit of the Lord lift up a standard. 59: 19. My Spirit is upon thee. 59: 21. Spirit of the Lord is upon me (Christ). 61: 1, Vexed His Holy Spirit. 63: 10. Holy Spirit put within. 63: 11 Spirit of the Lord causing to rest. 63: 14. Ezekiel. The Spirit went. 1 : 12, 20. The Spirit in the wheels 1 : 20 The Spirit entered. 2: 2; 3: 24. The Spirit spake. 2 : 2 ; 3 : 24. The Spirit set on feet 2: 2; 3: 24. The Spirit took up. 3: 12; 11: 24. The Spirit lifted up. 3: 14; 11: 1. The Spirit took away. 3: 14. The Spirit lifted up between earth and heaven. The Spirit of the Lord on. n: 5. The Spirit of the Lord said. 11: 5. i9 I will put a new Spirit within, n: 19; 36: 26. I will put my Spirit within. 36: 27; 37: 14. Breathe. 37 : 9. The Spirit poured out. 39: 29. Joel. The Spirit poured out. 2: 28. Micah. The Spirit of the Lord straightened (not). 2: 7. Full of power by the Spirit of the Lord 3: 8, Haggai. The Spirit remaineth among. 2: 5. Zachariah. The Spirit as a power. 4: 6. God's words sent in the Spirit. 7: 12. Spirit of grace and supplication poured out 12: 10. Malachai < Residue of the Spirit. 2: 15. Matthew. Birth of Jesus by, 1: 18,20. Baptism with the Holy Spirit by Jesus. 3:11. Spirit of God descended on Jesus. 3: 16. Jesus led by- the Spirit. 4: 1. The Spirit speaks through the disciples. 10: i9> 2°- 20 Spirit on Jesus. Prophesied by. 12: 17, 18. Jesus casts out devils by 12: 28. Blasphemy against. 12: 31, 32. The great commission. 20: 18-20. Mark. Baptism with the Holy Spirit by Jesus. 1: 8. Spirit of God descended on Jesus. 1 : 10. Spirit speaks through the disciples. 13: 11. Blasphemy against. 3: 28,29. Spake through David. 12: 35-37. Luke. Birth of Jesus by. 1: 35. Baptism with the Holy Spirit by Jesus. 3: 16. Spirit of God descended on Jesus. 3: 22. Jesus full of. 4: 1. Jesus led by the Spirit. 4: 1. Spirit speaks through the disciples. 12: 11, 12. Blasphemy against. 12: 10. John the Baptist to be filled with. 1; 15. Elizabeth filled with. 1: 41 Zacharias filled with. 1: 67. Holy Spirit upon Simeon. 2: 25. Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon. 2: 26. Simeon came into the temple by the Spirit. 2: 27. Jesus returns from the wilderness in the power of the Spirit. 4: 14. The Spirit of the Lord on Jesus to preach. 4: 18. 21 Jesus anointed. 4: 18. The gift of the Holy Spirit from the Father. n: 13. Tarry for. 24: 49. John, Baptism with the Holy Spirit by Jesus. 1: 33. Spirit of God descended on Jesus. 1: 32. Born of the Spirit. 3: 5-8. God's gift without measure. 3: 34. The Spirit as water overflowing. 7: 38 39. Depended on the glorification of Jesus. 7: 39. The Comforter given by the Father to abide forever. 14 :i6. Spirit of truth. Dwells with. Shall be in. 14: 17. The Teacher sent by the Father. 14: 26. The Comforter as remembrancer. 14: 26/ The Comforter as testifier of Christ. 15: 26. Comforter sent by Christ. 16: 7. Convinces of sin, etc. 16: 8, Guides into all truth. 16: 13. •Shows things to come. 16: 13. Glorifies Christ. 16: 14. Shows the things of Christ. 16: 14, 15 Receive ye the Holy Ghost. 20: 22. The Acts. Jesus taught by. 1: 2. Wait for. 1: 4. The promise oi the Father. Baptized with. 1: 5; 11: 16. Coming upon. 1: 8; 19: 6. 22 Filled with. 2: 4; 4: 8, 31; 6: 3, 5, 10; 7: 55; 9; 17; 11: 24; 13: 19, 52. Gave utterance. 2: 4 . Poured out. 2: 17, 18; 10: 45. Receive. 2: 38, 39; 8: 15, 17, 19; 10: 47; 19:2, Li? to. 5 : 3. God. 5 : 4. Tempt 5 : 9. Witness. 5: 32; 20: 23. Gift of God. 5: 32; 8: 18; 10: 45; 15: 8. Resist. 7: 51. Fell upon. 8: 16; 10: 44; 11: 15. Caught away. 8: 39. Comfort of. 9: 31. Jesus anointed with. 10: 7,8. Signified by. 11 : 28. Sent forth by. 13: 4. Seemed good to. 15 : 28. Forbidden by. 16: 6. Suffered not. 16: 7. Made overseers. 20: 28. Said. 1: 2; 1: 16; 4: 25 (RVV.};8: 29; 10: 19: 11: 12; 13: 2; 21: 4; 21: 11; 28: 25. Romans. Spirit of holiness. Resurrection power. 1: 4. Holy Spirit given us. 5: 5. Walk ^fter the Spirit. 8: .1, 4. Spirit of life. 8:2. After the Spirit. . . . things of the Spirit. 8:5. In the Spirit. 8: 9. Spirit of God indwelling. 8: 9, 11. Not the Spirit of Christ. . none of His. 8:9 23 The Spirit is life if Christ is in you. 8:10. Quicken mortal bodies. 8: n. Through the Spirit mortify the deeds of the the body. 8: 13. Led by the Spirit. 8: 14. Spirit of adoption. 8: 15. The Spirit bearing witness. 8: 16. First fruits of the Spirit. 8: 23. The Spirit helping infirmities. 8: 26. The Spirit interceding. 8: 26. God knows the mind of the Spirit. 8: 27. Conscience witnessing in the Holy Spirit. 9; 1. Kingdom of God joy, etc in the Holy Spirit. 14: 17. Power of the Holy Spirit. 15: 13. Sanctified by the Holy Spirit. 15: 16. Signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit. 15: 19. Love of the Spirit. 15: 30. I Corinthians. Preaching in the demonstration of the Spirit. 2: 4. Things revealed by the Spirit. 2: 9, 10. The Spirit searching all things. 2: 10. Spirit of God knows the things of God. 2: 11. We have received the Spirit of God to know. 2 : 12. The Holy Spirit as a teacher, 2: 13. The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit 2: 14. 24 Spirit of God indwelling. 3: 16. Body the temple of. 6: 19. Paul had the Spirit of God. 7 : 40. Speaking by the Spirit. 12: 3. Call Jesus Lord by the Spirit. 12: 3. Different gifts ... .same Spirit. 12: 4. Manifestation of the Spirit to all. 12: 7. Wisdom and knowledge by the same Spirit. 12: 8. Faith and gifts of healing, etc., by the same Spirit. 12: 9. 10. Same Spirit worketh all. 12: 11. By one Spirit baptized into one body. 12: 13. Drink into one Spirit. 12: 13. II Corinthians. Earnest of the Spirit given. 1 22; 5: 5. Epistles written by the Spirit. 3: 3. Spirit giveth life. 3: 6. Ministration of the Spirit. 3: 9. The Lord is that Spirit. 3: 17. . Spirit of the Lord is liberty. 3: 17. Changed by the Spirit. 3: 18. Spirit of faith. 4: 13. Ministers of God approved by. 6: 4-6. Receive not another Spirit. 11:4. The Holy Spirit in benediction. 13: 14. Galatians How received. 3: 2. Begin and continue in. 3: 3. How ministered. 3: 5. 25 The Spirit in atonement. 3: 14. Spirit of the Son sent by God. 4: 6. Flesh persecutes, 4: 29. Wait for the hope of righteousness through the Spirit. 5: 5. Walk in the Spirit. 5: 16, 2.5. War between the Spirit and flesh. 5: 17. Led by the Spirit. 5: 18. Fruit of the Spirit. 5: 22, 23 Live in the Spirit. 5: 25. Sow to the Spirit 6: 8. Reap of the Spirit. 6: 8. Ephesians. Sealed by. 1 : 1354: 30 • Earnest of our inheritance. 1: 14. Spirit of wisdom. 1: 17. Spirit of revelation. .1 : 17. Access by. 2: 18, Habitation of God through. 2: 22. Mystery revealed by. 3: 5. Strengthened with power by. 3: 16. Unity of. 4: 3, 4. Grieve not. 4: 30. Be filled with. 5: 18. Sword of. 6: 17. Pray in. 6: 18. Philippians. Supply of the Spirit. 1: 19. Fellowship of the Spirit. 2: 1. Worship God in the Spirit. 3: 3. 26 Colossians. Love in the Spirit, i: 8. I Thessalonians. The gospel came in the Spirit, i: 5. Joy of the Holy Spirit. 1: 6. Holy Spirit given by God. 4: 8. Quench not. 5: 19. II Thessalonians. Sanctification of the Spirit. 2: 13. I Timothy. God justified in the Spirit. 3: 16, The Spirit speaketh. 4: 1. II Timothy. The Spirit of power, love, etc., given. The Holy Spirit indwelling us. 1: 14. Titus. Renewing of the Holy Spirit. 3:5. Shed on us abundantly. 3: 6. Hebrews. Gifts of the Spirit. 2: 4. The Spirit said. 3: 7. Partakers of the Spirit. 6: 4, The Spirit signifying. 9: 8. Jesus offered himself bv. 9: 14. The Spirit as a witness. 10: 15. Doing despite unto. 10: 29. 27 James. The Spirit indwelling and yearning. 4: 5 (R. V. mar.). i Peter. Sanctification of the Spirit. 1: 2. Spirit of Christ signified by prophets. 1: 11. Gospel preached in the Spirit. 1: 12. Obey the truth through the Spirit. 1: 22. Jesus quickened by the Spirit. 3: 18. Live according to God in the Spirit 4: 6. Spirit of glory and of God rest upon. 4: 14 11 Peter. Holy men spake by the Spirit. 1: 21, I John. Spirit given to us to know that Jesus abides. 3- 24; 4: T3- How to know the Spirit of God. 4: 1, 2. How to know the Spirit of truth. 4: 6. How to know that we dwell in Him. 4: 13. Spirit bears witness to Jesus. 5: 6. The Spirit is truth. 5: 6. Three bearing record in heaven 5: 7. Three bearing record on earth. 5: 8 Jude. Having not the Spirit. 19. Praying in the Spirit. 20. Revelation. Seven Spirts before the throne. 1: 4 28 In the Spirit, i: 10; 4: 2, Hear what the Spirit says 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3; 6, 13. 22. Seven Spirits of God. 3: 1. Spirit of life from God. 11 : 11. Saith the Spirit. 14: 13 Carried away in the Spirit 17: 3; 21: 10, The Spirit of Prophecy. 19: 10. The Spirit's invitation. 22: 17. The Names of the Spirit. Direct reference to the Spirit is made 101 times in the Old Testament, and 249 times in the New, or 350 times in the Bible This does not include the many types and symbols. The Spirit has the following forty nine different names; 1. The Spirit of God.' Gen. 1; 2; Matt 3; 16. 12 times in the Old Testament and 12 times- in the New. 2. tkMy Spirit." Gen. 6: 3; Matt. 12: 18, 13 times in the Old Testament and 3 times in the New. 3. "Thy Spirit." Ps, 104; 30, 4 times in the Old Tes.tament. 4 "His Spirit." Num 11: 29; I Cor. 2: 10. 4 times in the Old Testament, 5 times in the New. 5 The Spirit of the Lord. Jud. 3: 10; Lu. 4; 18. 26 times in the Old Testament, 5 times in? the New. 29 6 The Spirit. Num, n: 17, 25, 26; Lu. 4: 1, 14. 19 times in the Old Testament, 98 times in the New. 7. -Thy good Spirit. Neh. 9: 20. 8. Thy Holy Spirit. Ps. 51: 11. 9. Free Spirit. Ps. 51: 12. 10. Spirit of Judgment. Is. 4: 4; Mic. 3: 8. 11. Spirit of burning Is 4: 4. 12. Spirit of wisdom. Ex. 28: 3; Deut. 34: 9; Is. il: 2; Eph. i: 17. 3 times in the Old Testament, once in the New. 13. Spirit of understanding. Is. n: 2, 14. Spirit of council. Is: n: 2. 15. Spirit of might. Is. 11: 2. Mic. 3: 8. 16. Spirit of knowledge. Is n: 2. 17. Spirit oi the fear of the Lord. Is, 11: 2V 18 Spirit of the Lord God. Is. 61: 1. 19. His Holy Spirit. Is. 63: 10, n. 20. New Spirit. Ezek. 11: 19; 26; 36. 21. Spirit of grace. Zech. 12: 10; Heb. 10: 22. Spirit of supolication. Zech. 12: i<>, 23 Holy Spirit. Luke 11: 13. 24. Holy Spirit of God. Eph. 4: 30; I Thes. 4: 8. ■ " 25. Holy Spirit of promise Eph. 1: 13. 26. The Holy Ghost Matt. 1: 18, 20. 85 times in the New Testament 27. Spirit of your Father. Matt. 10: 20. 28. The promise of the Father. Luke 24; 49; Acts 1:4 3o 29. The Comforter. Jno. 14: 16, 26; 15: 26; 16: 7 30. Spirit of Truth. Jno 14: 17; 15: 26; 16: 13; I John 4: 6. 31. Spirit of holiness. Rom. 1: 4 32. Spirit of life. Rom. 8: 2; Rev. n: i*. 33. Spirit of Christ. Rom. 8: 9; Phil 1: 19; I Peter 1: 11. ■ 34. Spirit of adoption. Rom 8: 15. 35. Spirit of the living God. II Cor. 3: 3. 36. One Spirit. I Cor 12: 13 (twice); Eph. 2: 18; 4: 4. . 37. Spirit of faith. II Cor. 4: 13. 38. Spirit of His Son. Gal. 4: 6 39. Spirit of revelation. Eph. 1: 17. 40. Spirit of power. II Tim. 1: 7. 41. Spirit of love. II Tim. 1: 7. 42. Spirit of a sound mind. II Tim, 1: 7 43. The Eternal Spirit. Heb. 9 14. 44. Spirit of glory. t Peter 4: 14. 45. Seven Spirits before the throne. Rev. 1:5. 46. Seven Spirits of God. Rev. 3: 1. 47. Spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19: 20. 48. Power of the Highest. Luke 1: 35; 49. Breath of the Almighty, Job 33: 4. III. The Holy Spirit is a Person, There is much confusion about this. Many of God's people do not understand it, and they 3i think that He is an influence, or a feeling, and so they loose much of the joy and fellow- ship and victory which they might have by acquaintance with a person. They call Him "it" and that keeps Him from becoming real to them. He has an influence and gives a feeling but He is neither the one nor the other. He is a person, equal with God and Jesus (Gen 1:2; Matt. 28: 19, II Cor, 13: 14), and is never correctly called ''it,' (John 14: 16, 17, 26; 16: 7-15; Rom. 8: 16, 26, R. V.), We would not think of calling the Father or the Son "it." If any one is inclined to believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person, let him consider the following seventy-two PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES. i. He abides. John 14: 16. 2. He dwells with John 14: 17. 3. He teaches. John 14: 26. 4. He convinces of sin. John 16: 8. 5. . He guides into all truth. John 16: 13. 6. He shows things to come. John 16: 13. 7. He glorifies Christ. John 16: 14. 8. He testifies of Christ. John 15: 26. 9. He comforts Acts 9: 31; John 15: 26. 10. He can be lied to. Acts 5: 3. 11. He can be tempted Acts 5: 9. 12. He can be resisted, ^cts 7: 51. 13. He can be vexed. Isa. 6y. 10. 14. He can be grieved. Eph. 4: 30. 32 15. He can be quenched. I Thes. 5: 19. 16. He can be blasphemed against. Matt. 12: 31, 32. 17. He can be persecuted. Gal. 4: 29. 18. He caught away Philip. Acts 8: 39. He sent forth Paul and Barnabas. Acts 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 It seemed good to. Acts 15: 28. He forbids. Acts 16: 6, 7. He appoints overseers. Acts 20: 28. He quickens. Rom. 8: 11. He leads. Rom 8: 14. He helps infirmities. Rom. 8: 26. He intercedes. Rom. 8: 26. He has a mind. Rom. 8: 27. He has power. Rom. 15: 13, 19. He sanctifies. Rom. 15: 16. He reveals. Eph. 3: 5; I Cor. 2: 9, 10. He searches all things. I Cor 2: 10. He knows the things of God. I Cor. 2: it. He indwells. I Cor. 3: 16. He has different gifts. I Cor*. 12: 4-13. He writes. II Cor 3: 3. He gives life. II Cor. 3: 6. He is the Lord. II Cor. 3: 17. He changes things. II Cor. 3: 18. - He seals. Eph. 1: 13; 4: 30. He gives access. Eph. 2: 18. He has a sword. Eph. 6: 17. He supplies. Phil. 1: 19. He has fellowship. Phil. 2: 1. 33 44. He loves. Rom. 15: 30. 45. He has joy. I Thes. 1: 6. 46. He speaks. I Tim. 4: 1. 47. He renews. Titus 3: 5. 48. He signifies, Heb. 9: 8. 49. He bears witness. I John 5: 6-3. 50. He invites. Rev. 22: 17, 51. He creates. Gen, 1: 2, 52. He strives. Gen, 6: 3, 53. He comes upon, I Samuel 10:10, 54. He departs, 1 Samuel 16: 14, 55. He carries away, I Kings 18: 12, 56. "He goes to speak.' I Kings 22: 24. 57. He takes up, II Kings 2: 16, 58. He gave pattern of temple, I Chr, 28: 11, 59. He instructs. Neh. 9: 20. 60. He garnished the heavens: Job 26: 13. 61. He created man. Job 33: 4, 62. He created animals, Ps, 104: 30. 63. He upholds, Ps. 51: 12 64. He is omnipresent. Ps. 139: 7. 65. He councils. Isa. 30: 1. 66. He sends. Isa. 48: 16. 67. He lifts up a standard Isa 59: 19. 68. He causes to rest. Isa. 63: 14. 69. He went. Ezek. 1: 12, 20. 70. He entered. Ezek. 2: 2. 71. John saw Him. John 1: 32. 72. He descended and remained on Jesus. John 1: 32. 33. 34 IV. The Divinity of the Spirit. t. He is called God. Acts 5: 3, 4; Isa. 6: 8- 10, with Acts 28: 25-27; Jer. 31: 31-34, with Heb. 10: 15-17; Ex. 17: 7, with Heb. 3: 7-9. 2. He is called the Most High. Ps. 78: 17- 21, with Acts 7: 51. 3. Creator. Gen. 1: 2, 26, 27, with Job 33; 4. 4. He is omnipotent. Isa. 40: 26-29, with Job 26: 13; Luke 1: 35: I Cor. 12:4-11. 5. He is omnipresent. Prov. 15 : 3, with Ps. 139- 7-i3; John J4: 16, 17. 6. He is omniscient. Rom 11 ; 33 36; 16: 27, with I Cor. 2: 9-14; 12; 9, 7. He has foreknowledge. Luke 2: 26; John 16: 13, with I Peter 1: 2. 8. He is eternal. Ps. 90: 2, with Heb. 9: 14. 9 He is associated with God and Jesus in in the baptismal formula. Matt. 28: 19. 10. In the benediction. II Cor. 13: 14. 11. He indwells believers I Cor. 3:. 16, with II Cor 6: 16. 12. He comforts. Acts 9: 31, with II Cor. 1: 3. 13. He sends grace and peace. Eph. 1: 2, with Rev. 1 : 4. 14 He inspires Scriptures. II Peter 1: 21. 15. The temple of the Holy . Spirit is the temple of God. I Cor. 3: 16, 17, with 6: 19. "> c 16. Sin against Him is sin against God. Acts 5: 3, 4; Isa. 63. 10. V. The Holy Spirit Manifested in the Old Testament. The day of Pentecost was the dividing line between the Jewish and Christian Dispensation or the dispensation of the Holy Ghost. In the former He is represented as coming upon certain persons at certain times as a power to do a certain work, as in the case of Samson when he killed the lion, slew the thirty men of Ashkelon, and the thousand Philistines, and in many other cases. He is also represented as clothing, resting upon, filling for wisdom for a certain work; but never as indwelling and abidi?ig and constantly filling for power for service and for holy living. This seems to have been reserved for the latter Dis- pensation. In the former He came upon and filled only certain persons at certain times In the latter every believer is expected to be con- tinually filled and indwelt by the Spirit. The following are some of the manifestations of the Spirit recorded in the old Testament. 1. Creating. Gen. 1: 2, Job 33: 4; Ps. 104: 2. Coming upon as a power: 1. Balaam Num. 24: 2 2. Othniel. Jud. 3: 9, 10. 36 3- Gideon (mar. clothed). Jud 6: 34. 4. Jephthah. Jud. 11: 29. 5. Samson. Jud 14: 5, 6, 19; 15: 14. 6. Saul. I Sam. 10; 6, 10; 11: 6: 19: 23 (R V,). ' 7. David. I Samuel 16: 13. 8. Messengers of Saul. I Sam. 19: 20. 9. Amasai (mar. clothed). I Chron. 12: 18. 10. Azariah. II Chron 15: 1, 2. 11. Jahaziel II Chron. 20: 14, 15. 12. Zachariah (mar clothed). II Chron. 24: 20. 3. Clothing. Jud. 6: 34 (mar.); I Chron. 12: 18 (mar); II Chron. 24: 20 (mar,). 4. Resting upon. Num 11: 25, 26; Isa. 11: 2. 5. Poured out. Prov, 1: 23; Isa, 32: 14, 15; 44: 3; Ezek, 39: 29; Joel 2: 28; Zach, 12: 10, 6. Speaking. II Sam. 23: 2; Ezek, 2: 2; 3: 24; 11:5., 7. Instructing and testifying. Ex, 28: 3; I Chron. 28: 12; Neh, 9: 20, 30; Isa, 30: 1. 8. Filling for wisdom for certain work. . Ex, 3*: x-5; 35^ 3°. 3f; Deut* 34- 9< 9. Cleansing. Isa. 4: 4; Ezek. 37: 25-27. 10, "In," "on," "among," "put upon," etc. Gen. 41 : 38; Num. 27 : 18; Ezek. 11:5; Hag, 2: 5; Isa, 42: 1; 6j : 1; 63: 11; Ezek, 36: 26, 37'; 37* i4, 37 VI. The Holy Spirit as Creator. I. The universe. i. Earth. Gen. i : 2, 2. The heavens. Job 26: 13. II. Natural Life 1. Man. Job 33: 4. 2. Lower animals. Ps. 104: 30. 3. The hosts of Heaven Ps. 33: 6. 4. Christ. Luke 1: 35 III. Spiritual life. 1. Spirit of life Rom 8: 2. 2. Born of the Spirit. John 3: 3, 5, 6. 3. Renewing Tit. 3: 5; Ps. 51: 10-12. 4. The giver of life. II Cor. 3: 6. IV. Physical life. Rom 8: 11. V. Resurrection life. 1. Christ. I Pet. 3: 18; Rom. 1: 4. 2. The witnesses. Rev 11: 11. VI. National and political. Resurrection ol Israel. Ezek. 37: 9, 14. VII. The Gift of the Spirit 1 The promise of the Father. Lu. 24: 49; Acts 1:4. • 2. The promise received by Jesus. Acts 2 : ^^. 3. Promised to all. Acts 2: 39. 4 Given by the Father. Neh. 9: 20; Luke n; 13; I Thes. 4: 8. 5. Given without measure. John 3: 34 3§ D. Depended upon the ascension and glorifi cation of Jesus. Ps. 68: 18; John 7: 37 39. 7. Given'by Jesus John 15: 26; 20: 22. 8. Given by God in answer to Jesus' pra)er. John 14: 16. 9. Sent by God in Jesus' name. Jno 14: 26. 10. Sent by Jesus. John 16: 7. 11. Given to the Gentile Christians. Acts 10: 44, 45; !»: l6> J7; r5- 8- 12. To all who repent. Acts 2: 1,8, 39. 13. To those who obey. Acts 5: 32. 14. Given to shed abroad the love of God. Rom. 5: 5. 15. Received through faith. Gal. 3: 14. 16. In answer to prayer. Luke 11: 13; Eph. 1: 16, 17 17. Supplied. Phil. 1: 19. 18. Given for instruction. Neh. 9: 20. 19. As an earnest. II Cor. 1: 22; 5: 5. 20. Evidence of abiding. I Jno. 3: 24; 4: 13. 21. Pledge of favor. Ezek. 39: 29. 22. The Spirit of power, etc., given. II Tim. 1: 7. 23 The sword of the Spirit. Eph. 6: 17. VIM. The Holy Spirit Inspiring Scriptures. All Scripture. II Tim. 3: 16, 17. '•Given by inspiration of God" is translated from one compound Greek word meaning by God through the Spirit. The R. V. translation is 1 ot 39 correct. See Heb. 4, 12, 13; I Tim. 4: 4, which have the same grammatical construction. Moved by the Holy Spirit. II Peter 1: 21. Prophets searched their own writings. I Peter 1: 10, 11, VERBAL INSPIRATION. Three divisions. Luke 24: 29. r. Moses. Ex, 4: io-12; Deut. 4: 2 2. The Prophets: Isaiah. Acts 28: 25-27. Jeremiah. 1: 9; 31: 31-34, with Heb. 10: 15-17, Ezekiel, 2: 7. Malachi. 1: 1. 3. The Psalms. Acts 1: 16; 2: 25 35: 4: 24, 25; Mark 12; 35-37. David's testimony. II Sam, 23; 2; Ps. 119: 89, 140, 160. Solomon Prov. 30: 5, 6. Jesus, Matt. 5. 17, 18; Jno, 10:35; T9: 2$- Disciples. Matt, 10: 20; Mark 13: 11; Luke \a : 12 ; Acts 2: 4. Paul. I Cor. 2: 13; 7: 10, 12; 14: 37; I Thes. John, Rev. 22: 18, 19. The word endures forever. I Peter 1: 24, 25, IX. The Holy Spirit and Jesus. 1. Birth, Matt, 1: 18-20; Luke 1; 35. 40 2. Shall baptize with the Holy Spirit. Matt. 3: if; Mark 1: 8; Luke 3: 16; John 1: t,^. 3, Spirit of God descended upon. Matt. 3: 16; Mark 1: 10; Luke 3: 22; John 1: 32. 4. Sevenfold Spirit prophesied. Isa. 11: 2. 5, Spirit put upon prophesied. Isa. 42: 1; Matt. 12: 17, 18. 6. Full of. Luke 4: 1. 7, Led into the wilderness by. Matt 4: 1; Mark 1: 12; Luke 4: 1. 8, Returned in the power of. Lu. 4: 14. 9. Spirit of the Lord on Him to preach. Isa. 61: 13; Luke 4: 18 10 Anointed for work. Luke 4: 18; Acts 10: 38- 11, Gave commandments through. Acts 1: 2. 12. Casts out devils by. Matt. 12 28. 13, Quickened by. I Peter 3: 18. 14. Offered Himself by. Heb. 9: 14. r^. The great commission. Matt. 28: 18 20. X. The Sealing of the Spirit. The keeping power of God and the earnest or pledge and foretaste of future glory. Jesus. Jno. 6: 27. . Believers. 2 Cor. 1: 22; 5:5. Eph. 1: 13, 14; 4: 3° XI. The Baptism and Anointing with the Spirit. For service 4* Jesus. Matt. 3: 16. Luke 4: 1.8. Isa. 61 : 1-3. Acts 10: 38. Promised to believers. Matt. 3:11. Luke 3: 16. Acts 1 : 5; 11: 16. 'Fulfilled. ActS2:i3. Acts 8: 16; 10: 44; n: iS» 16; (falling upon). Acts 2: 17, 18; 10: 45; (poured out). 2 Cor. 1: 21. Into one body. 1 Cor. 12: 13. Anointing as teacher. 1 Jno. 2: 27. In type. Exodus 29. r. Aaron and his sons washed. 1-4. Chosen in Him." Eph. 1:4. . 2. Aaron anointed. 5-7. Jesus anointed. 3. The sin offering— atonement. 8-14. 4. The burnt offering— surrender. 15-20. 5. Aaron and his son's anointed. 21. The believer's oneness with Jesus in the life of ser- vice in the Spirit. 6. The wave offering. 22 24. Testifying to the receiving of the Spirit by faith. 7. The witness of the Spirit. 25 XII Receiving the Spirit. 1. The command. Jno. 20: 22.^ 2. The promise. Gal 3: 13, 14. 3. The gift. Acts 2: 38, 39. 4. Received by faith. Gal. 3: 2, 14. 5 Received of God. ijno. 2.: 27. 6 Spirit of God— not of the world. 1 Cor. 5 6 2:12 4^ 7. Spirit of adoption — not fear. Rom. 8: 15, 8. Who may receive him. The devil is rocking many to sleep with the thought that they received the Holy Spirit when they were converted, and that is all there is of it. Some think they can grow into Him. Ex- perience does not bear them out, however, and the Word of God can hardly be said to be on their side. They have their times of great joy and rejoicing, but oftener are in sadness and de- feat. They mistake the Spirit with them for His indwelling and abiding and filling. The Word clearly teaches that He is God's gift to believers only. The work of Jesus on the cross for the sinner is one thing, and the work of Jesus in the believer's heart by the Spirit is quite another (Rom. 5: 9, 10. 2 Cor. 4: 6, 7). The renewing of the Spirit or the new birth is one thing, and His indwelling is quite another. 1. The world cannot receive Him. Jno, 14:17. 2. The command was to disciples. Jno. 20:22. 3. Believers in Samaria Acts 8: 14-19 4. Believers in Caesarea. Acts 10: 47 5. The twelve disciples at Ephesus. Acts 19: 1-7. 6. The command to theChurch.Eph. 5 :i8. 7. Depends upon Sonship. Gal. 4: 4-6. 9. How to receive him. 1. Repentance and baptism. Acts 2: 43 * 38, 39- 2. Ask. Luke n : 13. 3. Take. Jno. 20: 22. Rev. 3: 20, 4. Believe. Gal. 3: 14. 5. Obev. Acts 5: 32. Ask, take, APPROPRIATE, XIII. The Indwelling of the Spirit. The word translated ''dwell" is also translated ''abide," "remain," "continue," 1, The Spirit abode (dwelt) on Jesus. Jno. *' 32> 33- 2. Jesus filled. Lu. 4: 1, Dwelt in the prophets. I Peter, I: 11. Promised by Christ, Jno. 14: 16, 17. Soirit of God dwells. I Cor. 3: 16, 17. The body the temple of. I Cor. 6: 19, 20. Not in the flesh if. Rom. 8: 9. If we have not, we are none of His. Rom. The Spirit quickens. Rom 8: 11. The believer in the Spirit. Rom 8: 9. The Spirit cries Abba, Father. Gal. 4:6. Strengthened bv indwelling Eph. 3: 16. Filled with. Eph. 5: 18. Keep the good committed by. 2 Tim 1:14. Love to jealousy. Jas. 4: 5 (R. V mar ). Christ indwelling by I Jno 3: 24 The habitation of God by. Eph. 2: 22. 3- 4. 0- 6, 7. 8. 8: 9- 9« 10. Gal 5 1 1, 12. *3- 14- 15. 16. 17 I. II. 44 # XIV. The Filling of the Spirit. Before Pentecost. i. Bezaleel. Ex. 31: 2, 3; 35: 30, 31'. 2. Joshua. Deut 34: 9. 3. John Baptist. Lu. 1: 15. 4. Elizabeth. Lu. 1:41. 5. Zacharias. Lu. 1: 67, 6. Jesus Lu. 4: 1. After Pentecost. 1. 2. 3- All. Acts 2: 4. Peter. Acts 4: 8. All. Acts 4: 31. 4. Stephen. Acts 6: 3, 5, 8, 10; 7: 55, 5 Saul. Acts 9: 17. 6. Barnabas. Acts 11: 24. 7. Paul. Acts 13: 9. 8. Disciples. Acts 13: 52. III. The command. Eph, 5: 18 IV. The results, 1. Utterance Acts 2:4. 2. The Word blessed. Acts 2: 37 41. 3. Boldness, Acts 4: 8 13, 31. 4. Power of discernment. Acts 6: 3 5, 5. Signs and wonders. Acts 6: 7 10. 6. Preparation for death. Acts 7: 55. 7. Preparation for service. Acts 9: 17, 8. Sent out to service. Acts 11: 24. 9. Rebuke and judgment. Acts 13:9-11, 10. Joy in persecution. Acts 13: 50 52. 11. Speaking of Jesus. Eph. 5:19. 45 12. Singing unto the Lord. Eph.5: 19. 13. Giving thanks for all things. Eph. 5: 20. 14. Submission one to another. Eph. 5: 2'. XV. The Holy Spirit as Comforter. Greek, paraklete, one called to go along by the side of, meaning an advocate, comforter, protector, guide, teacher, monitor, counsellor, etc 1. Jesus the first comforter. I Jno. 2: 1. (same word). 2. Another comforter promised. Jno. 14:16, 3. Necessary. Jno. 16: 7. 4. Given. 1. By the Father. Jno. 14: 17. 2. Sent by the Father ''in my name." Jno. r 4: 26. 3. Sent from the Father by Jesus. Jno, 15: 26; 16: 7, 5. The work of the Comforter. 1. Abide forever. Jno. 14: 16. 2. Indwells. Jno. 14: 17, 3. Teacher Jno. 14: 26. 4. Remembrancer. Jno. 14: 26. 5. Testifier of Jesus, Jno. 15:26. 6. Reprover of sin, etc. Jno. j6: 7-11. 7. Guide into all truth. Jno. 16: 13.. 8. Revealer of future. Jno. 16: 13. 9. Glorifier of Jesus Jno, 16: 14, 46 to. Revealer of the things of Christ. Jno. 16: 14, 15, Edifies. Acts 9:31. XVI. The Holy Spirit as Teacher. 1. Spirit of wisdom. Isa. 11:2; 40:13, 14. 2. Promised. Prov, 1: 23. 3 In answer to prayer. Eph. 1 : 16, 17. 4. Necessity of new birth, I Cor. 2:14. 5. Need of a teacher. I Cor, 2: 9-11. 6. Given to believers. I Cor. 2: 12. 7. Author of the Word. II Peter, 1 21, 8. Searches all things. I Cor. 2: 10, 9. Teaches all things I Cor. 2 : 13. Jno. 14: 26. 10. Instructs. Neh, 9: 20. Ex, 28: 3. 1 Chron. 28: 12. n. Imparcs wisdom I Cor. 12: 8, 12, Brings to remembrance. Jno. 14:26. 13. Testifies of Christ. Jno. 15: 26. 1. Incarnation. I Jno. 4: 2. 2. Blood and water. I Jno. 5: 6. 3. Death and exaltation Acts 5: 30-32. 4. Sanctification in Him, Heb 10: 14-17. 5. Assurance. Rom. 8: 16. 6. His abiding in us. I Jno. 4: 13; 3: 24. 7. Our abiding in Him. I Jno. 4: 13. 8. In heaven. I Jno. 5: 7. 47 g. On earth. I Jno. 5: 8. 14. Guides unto all truth. Jno 16: 13. 15. Reveals future. Jno. 16: 13. Lu. 2: 26, 1 Cor. 2: 9, 10. 16. Reveals things of Christ. Jno. 16: 14, 15. 17. God testifies by. Neh . 9: 30. 18. Counsellor. Isa. 30: 1 19. Witness to Paul's bonds. Acts 20' 23. 20. Teaches by signs. Acts 11: 28. Heb. 9: 8. 1 Peter 1: 11. 21. Revealed the mystery to Paul. Eph. 3: 5. 22. Witnessing to Paul's love for Israel. Rom. 9: 1. 23. Answers objections. Matt. 10. 20. Mark 13: 1 1. Luke 12: 12. 24. Spirit of wisdom in Bezaleel. Ex. 30: 1-5. 25. Spirit of wisdom in Joshua. Deut. 34: 9, 26. Directs in Church work. Acts, 15: 28. 27. What to preach. I Cor. 2: 12, 13. 28. Command to hear. Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3: 6, 13, 22 XVII Walking in the Spirit. 1, Edification and multiplication. Acts 9: 31, 2. Righteousness fulfilled Rom, 8: 4. 3, Escape fulfilling lusts. Gal. 5 : 16, 4. Exhortation Gal, 5: 25, XVIII. The Holy Spiiit Speaking, Spake by David. II Sam, 23: 2; Mark 12: 35- 48 37; Acts i: 16; 4: 25 R. V. Spake to Ezekiel. Ezek. 2: 2; 3: 24; 11: 5. Spake through the apostles. Matt. 10: 19, 20; Mark 13: 1 ; Luke 12: 11, 12. Spake through Jesus. Acts 1: 2 Spake through the disciples, Acts 2: 1-4; 4: Said to Philip. Acts 8: 29, Said to Peter, Acts 10: 19; 11: 12, (Bade same Greek word as spake). Said to the church at Antioch. Acts 13. 2. Said by disciples Acts 21: 4. Said by Agabus. Acts 21: 11. Said by Isaiah. Acts 28: 25. The Spirit speaketh . I Tim 4: 1. The Holy Spirit saith Heb, 3: 7. Spake through prophets, II Pet. 1: 21. Hear what He says. Rev. 2: 7, 11, 17, 29: 3: 6, 13, 22. "Saith the Spirit." Rev. 14: 13 Invitation. Rev. 22: 17 XIX. The Communion of the Spirit 1. He has fellowship with believers. Phil. 2: 1 2. Communion II Cor. 13: 14. XX. Led by the Spirit. 1. Jesus. Matt. 4: 1; Mark 1: 12; Luke 4: 1, 49 2. Simeon. Luke 2: 27. 3. Philip. Acts 8: 29. Results 30 40. 4. Peter. Acts 10: 19, 20. Results 34-38. 5. Paul. Acts 16: 6, 7. Christianity in Europe. 6. Believers. Rom. 8: 14; Gal. 5: 18. 7 The guide. John 16: 13. 8. The counsellor. Isa. 30: 1. XX! The Spirit Glorifying Jesus. 1. A victorious lifr. John 16: 14. 2. Righteousness fulfilled. Rom. 8: 3, 4 3. Pleasing God. Rom. 8: 5-9. 4. Mortify the deeds of the body. Rom. 8: 13, 5. The desires of the flesh Gal. 5: 16, 17. 6. The flesh and the Spirit contrasted. Gah 5: 19 24. 7. Not under law. Gal. 5: 18. 8. The Spirit putting away Eph, 4: 30-32, 9. Lifting up a standard. Isa. 59: 19. 10. Causing to rest. Isa. 63: 14. 11. Causing to walk rightly. Ezek. 36: 27. 12. The Lordship of Jesus. I Cor. 12: 3. '13. Liberty. II Cor. 3: 17. 14. Obeying the truth. I Peter 1: 22. XXII. The Power of the Holy Spirit. 1. "The power of the highest." Lu. 1: 35, 5° 2. The Spirit of might. Isa, n: 2e 3. The Spirit as power. Zech.4:6> 4. Tarry for power. Lu. 24: 49. 5. Power for service. Acts 1:8. 6. The great commission. Matt 28: 18 20. 7. Strengthened by power. Eph. 3: 16 8. Power working in us. Eph 3: 20. The word translated might in Eph. 3: 16 and the word translated power in Eph. 3: 20 is the same in the Greek, and is that from which we get our words dynamo and dynamite. If we do not receive the Holy Spirit as our power and allow Him to work in and through us we hinder God from do- ing what He is otherwise able to do 9. Full of power by the Spirit. Mic. 3: 8. 10. Power to give joy, etc. Rom. 15: 13. 11. The Spirit of power given 2 Tim. 1: 7. 12. Preaching in the power of. 1 Cor. 2: 4. 13. The gospel came in the power of. 1 Thes. 5- 14. The power manifested in t, Christ's miracles. Matt. 12: .28. Acts 10: 38. 2. Stephen's miracles and wisdom. Acts 6: 5, 8, 10. 3. Paul's miracles Rom 15: 18, 19. 4. Christ's ministry. Lu. 4: r4 5. Peter's sermon. Acts 2: 14-41. 6. Raising Jesus from the dead, Eph 1: 19, 20. 1 Pet. 3: 18. Si 7. Quickening believers. Eoh. 2: 1 Rom. 8: 2, 11. 8. Convincing of sin. Jno. 16: 7-11. 9. Balaam's prophecy. Num. 24: 2-25. 10. Othniel's victory. Jud. 3:9-11. 11. Gideon's victory. Jud. 6: 34 40; 7: 1-25. 12. Samson's strength. Jud. 14: 5, 6, 19; x5; x4- XXIII. Fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22, 23. 1 . Love . Love in the Spirit. Col. 1: 8. (The new command. Jno. 13: 34; 15: 12.) Love of the Spirit. Rom. 15: 30. Love of God shed abroad by. Rom 5: 5, God has given the Spirit of love. II Tim. 1 : 7. Yearns with jealous envy. Jas. 4: 5. (R< V mar) 2. Joy. The kingdom of God is joy in. Rom, 14: 17. Joy through the power of. Rom. 15 13 Joy from being filled with. Acts 13: 52. Joy in affliction. 1 Thes. 1: 6. Acts. 7: 55-6o. 52 3. Peace. The kingdom of God is peace in. Rom. 14: 17. Peace through the power of. Rom. 15: 13 4. Long suffering. 1 Cor. 13: 4. Not human love, but Christ in you by the Spirit. 5. Gentleness — kindness. Col. 3: 12. Spirit on Jesus as a dove. Lu. 3: 21. 22. Harmless as doves. Matt. 10: 16 6. Goodness. Barnabas good and full of the Spirit. Acts 11: 24, Good Spirit, Neh. 9: 20. Spirit is good. Ps. 143: 10 7. Faith. Barnabas full of the Spirit and faith. Acts 11: 24. Stephen full of the Spirit and faith. Acts 6:5. Spirit of faith. II Cor. 4: 13. 8. Meekness. Walk worthy by. Eph. 4: 13, 9. Temperance* 53 XXIV. The Holy Spirit and Prayer. i. Spirit, prayer and boldness. Acts. 4: 31, 2. Access by Eph. 2: 18. 3. God's ability to do. Eph. 3: 20. 4 Pray in the Spirit. Eph. 6; 18; Jude 20. 5. The Spirit's intercession. Rom. 8: 26. 6. God knows the mind of. Rom. 8: 27. XXV. The H Jly Spirit and Christian Work. Tarry for power. Acts 1: 4-8. Power to accomplish. Zech. 4: 6-9. Witness-bearing. Luke 12; 11, 12 Overflowing to the thirsty ones. John 7: Witness against sin. John 16: 8-1 1. Glorifying Jesus. John 16: 14. The commission and the power. John 22. Winning souls. Acts 2; 4-41. Boldness in preaching. Acts 4: 31. Choosing deacons. Acts 6; 1-10. Directing work. Acts 8: 29; 13: 2-4; 15: 6, 7. Appointing workers. Acts 20: 28. Working through Jesus. Acts 10: 38. Working through Paul. Rom. 15: 18, 19. Speaking in power. I Cor. 2: 4. What to preach. I Cor. 2: 12, 13. I. 2 3- 4. 38, 39* 5- 6. 7- 20; 21, 8. 9 IOe 11. 28; 16: 12. *3 14 i5- 16. 17- i8. I9- 54 Gifts of the Spirit. Sword of the Spirit. Gospel preached by. I Cor. 12 : 4-11. Eph. 6: 17. I Peter 1: 12. 1. 2. 3. 4- 28-30. 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- XXVI Offences Against the Spirit. Vex. Isa. 63: 10. Do despite unto. Heb. 10: 28, Resist. Acts 7: 51, Blaspheme. Matt. 12: 31, 32; Mark 3 Lie to. Acts 5: 3. Tempt. Acts 5: 9. Try to purchase. Acts 8: 18, 19. Quench. I Thes. 5: 19. Grieve. Eph 4: 30-32. XXVIL Emblems of tbe Spirit. i,— Water. John 7: 37-39 Acts ^: 5. 1. Saving. Gen. 24: 13, 42-67 (the bride); Isa. 12: 3; Zech. 13: 1; John 4: 6-15. 2. Satisfying, Gen. 21: 14-19; Psa. 1: 3; 36- 8- 9; 84: 5» 6; Isa. 41: *7, i8; 44: 3> 4; 55: 1, 2> I0; 58: 11; Jer 17: 7, 8- 3. The Christ-life. Deut. 6: 11; 8: 7; 11: 10-14; Psa. 23: 2; Isa. 33: 25; 35: 6, 7; 41: 18; 58: 11; Jer. 31: 9, 12. 4. The fulness. Job 38: 34; Ps 65: 9, 10; 84: 5, 6; Ecc. 1:7; Ezek. 47: 1 12. 55 5. Rest. Gen. 18: 4; Ex. 15: 27. 6. Peace. Isa. 48: 18; 66: 12. 7. Joy. Isa 46: 6. 8. Cleansing. Ex, 30: T8-20; Ezek. 16: 9; 36: 25; Eph. 5: 25-27; Heb. 10: 22. 9. Fruit-bearing. Gen. 49: 22 ; Psa 65: 9, 10; Ecc. 2: 6; Jer. 17: 8; Rev, 22: 1, 2 10. Overflowing to others. John 7: 38, 39; Prov. 5: 16; n: 25. 11. Healing John 5: 1-11, 12. Backsliding — victory. Gen. 26:15- 25, 32; Jer. 2: 13, 18. 13. Protection. Isa. 27: 3; II Samuel 17 : 18, 19. 14. Victory over the enemy. II Kings 3: 16 25; II Chr. 32: 4, 5. 15. Supply. Gen 29: 2-10*; I Kings 18: 5. 16. Ask, receive, appropriate. II Sam. 23: 15, 16; Prov. 5: 15, II _## 1. Consecrating. Gen. 28: 18; 35: 14 2. Cleansing. Lev. 14: 8-18. 3. Separation for service. Ex. 29: 7, 21 ; 30: 23-3! ; Lev. 21 : 1012; I Sam. 10: 1; 16: 1, 13; II Kings 9: 1-3, 6, 4. Preparation for service, I Kings 5: 11 ; Ezra 3: 9. 5. Power for service. Ps. 92: 10. 6. Shining. Ex. 27: 10: Matt. 25: 1- 12. 56 7. The Christ-life. Ex. 29: 2; Lev. 2: 1-7, 15, 16; 10: 7; Num. 11:8; Deut. 8:8; 8. Glorifying Christ. Num.5: 5. 9. Supply. I Kings 17: 9-16. 10. Fulness. II Kings 4: 1-7; Job 29: 6; Ps* 23» 5> Ezek. 32: 14. 11. Joy. Ps. 45: 7; 104: 15; Isa. 61:3. 12. Healing. Mark 6: 13; James 5 : 14; Luke 10: 34. III. — Fire. Acts 2: 2-4. Matt. 3: 11. 1. Illuminating. Psa. 105: 39; Isa. 4: 5; Ezek. 1 : 4; Rev. 4; 5 2. Consuming Lev. 1 : 7, 9, 12 ; 9: 24; Judg. 6: 21; II Chr. 7: 1; Isa. 10: 16. 17. 3. God speaking. Deut 4: 11, 12, 15, 36: I Chr. 21 : 26. 4. Purifying. Num. 31: 23; Isa. 33: 14, 15 ; Mai. 3:2, 3; I Pet. 1:7; Rev. 3:18. 5. Protection. II Kings 6: 17; Zech2:5. 6. Guide. Ex. 13: 21; 40: 38; Num. 9- I5-23- 7. Power, Ex. 3: 2; 19: 18; Psa. 104: 4; Jer, 5: 14. 8. Service. Lev. 2: 14-16; Jer 23: 29. 9. Glory. Ex. 24: 17. IV, — Wind, John 3: 8; Acts 2: 2. r. Satisfying, Num 11: 31. 2, Salvation. Ex. 14: 21. 3. Life-giving. Ezek. 37: 9, 10. 57 4. Cleansing. Job 37: 21. 5. Melting Psa, 147: 18. 6. Power I Kings 19 11; Acts 2: 2. 7. Fruit-bearing. S. S. 4: 16 V, — Rain. 1 God given. Jer 5: 24; Hos. 6: 3. 2 Ask. Zech. 10: 1. 3. Confession. I Kings 8: 35, 36, 4. Consecrate. Zech. 14: 17. 5. Nourish. Isa. 44: 14 6. Strength. Psa: 68: 9. 7. Satisfying. Isa. 55: 10; Joel 2: 23- 26; Hos. 10: r2 ; Deut. n: n. 8. Fruit-bearing. Deut, n: 14; Psa. 147: 8; Isa. 30: 23; Heb 6: 7. 9. Refreshing. Deut. 32: 2; Job 5: 10; Psa. 72: 6. 10. Joy. Acts 14: 17, 11. Convicting. Ezra. 10: 9, 10. VI.— Dew. 1. God given. Gen. 27: 28, 39. 2. Revealing Jesus. Ex. 16: 13, 14. 3. Guiding. Judg. 6: 36 40. 4 Power, Job 29: 19, 20. 5. Fulness. S S. 5: 2. 6. Refreshing. Isa. 18: 4. 7. Fruit-bearing. Hos. 14: 5. 6. VII.— Voice, 1. Answering. Ex. 19: 19. 2. Speaking. Job. 4: 15 17. 3. Directing. I Kings 19: 11, 12; Isa 58 6: 8-io, with Acts 28: 25-27; Isa. 30: 21, with John 16: 13. 4. Power. Psa. 6&: 33. 5. Commanding. Isa. 40: 6; Ezek. 1: 28; 2: 1, 2; Acts 10: 13-20. 6 Warning, Heb 3: 7-11. VIII. — ZW 39;. Gal 3: 13, 14; Eph. 1: 13. 2. Sonship. Rom. 8: 14-16; Gal. 4: 6. 3. Atonement. "Gal. 3: 13, 14. 4. Sanctification. Rom. 15: 16; II Thes. 2 : 13 ; I Peter 1 : 2. 5. Unity. I Cor. 12: 12, 13; Eph. 4: 3, 4, 6. Affliction. Acts 7: 54-56; 13: 50-52; I Thes. 1: 7; I Peter 4: 14. 7. The witness. Rom. 8: 16; I John 5: 6-8. 8. Worship. Phil. 3:3; John 4: 24. 9. Warning. Heb. 3: 7; 10: 28, 29. 10, Miraculous gifts I Cor. 12: 4-11. OTHER WORKS BY THE SAAE AUTHOR- An Outline of the Book of Ephesians. Price, 10 cents. Points for Personal Workers. Price to cents. The Sabbath and the First Day of the Week. Price, 2 cents each; 10 cents per dozen. Address, H. S. Miller, 1112 East Genessee St., Syracuse, N. Y. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0 029 789 481 A